Tippmix has all the functions of the desktop version in the mobile browser, Android and iOS devices, the only difference is the single-column design. We have found that it is even easier to find the event we are interested in or to browse through special offers on mobile. The fixed header will always help you in fast navigation during scrolling.
Another good news is that the good old Tippmix also has its own excellent mobile app, which you can download via the Help menu item, under the video guides.
Tipmix Radar

The best Tippmix tactic is to use the Tippmix Radar. In addition to validating and tracking your bets, the app allows you to browse sports events and statistics. But you can also request notifications about the events on your ticket, or a timeline update about the important events of a match! On Tippmix.hu you will find detailed installation instructions for both iOS and Android devices.
Three-way Tipmix variations
In the paragraphs below you will find a detailed description of the typical Tippmix variations.
The meaning of Tippmix 1X2 is the same as the HDV system of the classic toto. The equivalent of 1 is H (home win), X is D (draw), and finally 2 is V (away win). X or D cannot be interpreted for all sports, as there is no tie in tennis or basketball, for example. In this case, the middle column is omitted from the section.
This is the easiest and most popular sports betting market, and Tippmix is also stocked with such betting offers.
Meaning of Tippmix combinations

The Tippmix combinations option 2003 is included in the sections. These are different from variations without error points (binds) in that to win, you do not have to hit the outcome of every single game played.
The tips you make on a Tippmix coupon are considered to be a fixed bet by default, which means that all your tips must come through. But if you mark the combination bet in the appropriate column, then from then on un. you play a system bet, that is, the system creates all the possible juxtapositions, i.e. connections, of the events/outputs you have made. In the case of Goliath Bet, this means 247 combinations of 9 events/outcomes or “betting units”.
All possible combinations of your received tips will win. The odds of these are multiplied per tie, and then the multiplied odds of the groups determined based on the tie numbers are also added to you separately. But whichever combination contains a losing match, that combination will lose. In the end, the winning Tippmix variations and their odds decide whether or not our coupon will be extra. The total bet to be paid will be the product of the base bet and the possible combinations or lines.
By the way, the simple Tippmix can handle up to 20 sports events as a combination bet.
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